Generator - traduction vers espagnol
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Generator - traduction vers espagnol

Generators; Generator (disambiguation); Generator (album); Generater; Generator (song)

grupo electrógeno
(n.) = generador
Ex: Alternatively, the librarian may wish to purchase one of the wide range of products that other processors or generators may be stripping from the tape.
* electrical generator = generador, generador eléctrico, grupo electrógeno, grupo eléctrico, generador de energía eléctrica
* power generator = generador, generador eléctrico, generador de energía eléctrica, grupo electrógeno, grupo eléctrico
* wind generator = generador eólico


¦ noun
1. a person or thing that generates.
2. a dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy into electricity.



Generator may refer to:

  • Signal generator, electronic devices that generate repeating or non-repeating electronic signals
  • Electric generator, a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.
  • Generator (circuit theory), an element in an abstract circuit providing a source of electricity
  • Engine-generator, an electric generator with its own engine
  • Wearable generator, a hypothetical generator that can be worn on the human body
  • Gas generator a device, often similar to a solid rocket or a liquid rocket that burns to produce large volumes of relatively cool gas
  • Motor–generator, a device for converting electrical power to another form
  • Atmospheric water generator, a device capable of extracting water from air
Exemples de prononciation pour Generator
1. current generator.
Breakthrough Thinking - The Net and The Butterfly _ Olivia Fox & Judah Pollack _ Talks at Google
2. generator about this place.
#! Computer Generated Poetry _ Nick Montfort _ Talks at Google
3. was something called Generator.
AI Impacts Design & Architecture _ Molly Wright Steenson _ Talks at Google
4. just on a generator.
5. A generator has broken.
Being Bold in Entrepreneurship _ Mo Abudu _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Generator
1. A used Tiger generator costs around $50, he said over the steady beat of his generator.
2. Water drips disturbingly close to generator wires.
3. The store‘s manager immediately hired a generator.
4. A used Tiger generator costs around $50, he said over the steady beat of his generator. But even $250 is not enough to buy a used American or European generator.
5. The hospital‘s generator and backup generator had failed, and doctors decided it was safer to keep everyone on the roof than carry fragile patients back downstairs.